Aliments du Québec


Aliments du Québec

You can’t go wrong with tasty and tender Exceldor chicken breasts. Start with Exceldor quality and let your imagination take care of the rest!

On sale this week at



Package of two air-chilled and fully trimmed boneless chicken breasts

Grain fed

28 g of protein per 125 g

Recommended safe internal temperature → 165°F

How to cook poultry like a chef

Like your chicken crispy on the outside, tender and juicy on the inside, but not sure how to make it happen?
Want to cook meat that’s more tender and flavourful? Read about our
cooking methods and learn how to cook poultry just the way you—or your guests—like it.

Yes, you can serve poultry that’s safe but not overcooked!
Follow the tips from our experts.

Learn more

Thawing poultry is a breeze!

Refrigerator or cold water: Thawing poultry has never been so easy.

Learn more